International Fencing Club League 2020
大会開催中止のお知らせ / Notice of Cancellation
2020年2月22日から24日に開催を予定していたInternational Fencing Club League2020は、新型コロナウィルス(2019-nCoV)の感染が拡大している現状を踏まえ、中止することを決定いたしました。参加エントリーいただいた皆様には、大変残念なお知らせで誠に申し訳ございません。
以下のリンク(Refund form)から必要事項を入力の上、返金依頼を送信してください。なお、多数の返金処理が発生するため、返金には1〜2週間程度お時間をいただく可能性がございます。
アクレディテーション担当:下大川綾華 TEL 03-4405-5722(平日10時〜18時)メール
To All Participants,
Notice of Cancellation for International Fencing Club League 2020
Given the current status of the new coronavirus (2019-nCov) and expanding infections, we, as the competition organizers for the International Fencing Club League 2020, have decided to cancel the competition.
We apologize deeply for the inconveniences and unexpected nature that this cancellation may have caused to all fencers who have signed up.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We have decided to cancel the competition due to the following three factors:
* The WHO's worldwide declaration of emergency regarding the coronavirus (2019-nCov)
* Continuing epidemic in the Asian region
* Increasing infection population number in Japan as well as the need to protect from transmission.
Given the above public health risks, we have decided to not go forward with the competition.
[Further steps to be taken]
We will be issuing full entry fee refunds for entrants who have already paid the entry fee. However, any transaction fees and other fees associated will not be covered as part of the refund. In addition, any other fees related to things such as hotel, transportation, or cancellations fees will not be covered by our refund.
Thank you for your understanding.
[The Refund Procedure]
Please use the below link "Refund request" to fill out and submit a refund request form.
Please understand that the refund request may take 1~2 weeks to process, given the volume of requests.
[Further Information/Contact Information]
Accreditation dept. : SHIMOOKAWA Ayaka TEL +81-3-4405-5722 Email: